select notice_id, notice_title, notice_type, notice_content, status, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark from sys_notice insert into sys_notice ( notice_title, notice_type, notice_content, status, remark, create_by, create_time )values( #{noticeTitle}, #{noticeType}, #{noticeContentBit}, #{status}, #{remark}, #{createBy}, getdate() ) update sys_notice notice_title = #{noticeTitle}, notice_type = #{noticeType}, notice_content = #{noticeContentBit}, status = #{status}, update_by = #{updateBy}, update_time = getdate() where notice_id = #{noticeId} delete from sys_notice where notice_id = #{noticeId} delete from sys_notice where notice_id in #{noticeId} insert into sys_user_notice(noticeId,userId,sendUser,sendTime) values ( #{item.noticeId,jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{item.userId,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{item.sendUser,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{item.sendTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP} ) update sys_user_notice set isRead = #{isRead} where noticeId = #{noticeId} and userId = #{userId} delete from sys_event_user where notice_event_type = #{noticeEventType} insert into sys_event_user(notice_event_type,notice_event_user_id) values ( #{item.noticeEventType,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{item.userName,jdbcType=VARCHAR} ) delete from sys_event_user where notice_event_type = #{noticeEventType} and notice_event_user_id = #{userName}